Learn with Us: The Fundamentals of Doing Research


Research is the process of gathering and analysing information to answer a question or solve a problem. It can inform policy, guide decision-making, and advance knowledge in a particular field.

  • Do you want to conduct research that is both meaningful and rigorous?

Then it's crucial to understand the fundamentals of research!

  • Do you want to learn how to conduct research?

Yes? We have created this page to guide you.

  • How can you ensure that your research is based on sound methodology and is conducted ethically?

By understanding concepts such as research design, sampling, data collection, and analysis. And, importantly, by being aware of the historical context and power dynamics that can influence research.

  • Have you heard about decolonising research?

It involves critically examining the ways in which research has been used to perpetuate colonialism and marginalise certain groups. It also involves recognising and valuing different knowledge systems and perspectives.

  • What about putting Africa first in research?

This means prioritising the needs and perspectives of African communities and ensuring that research is conducted in a way that is respectful and culturally sensitive. It involves working collaboratively with local communities and ensuring that research is conducted in a way that benefits them.

Understanding the fundamentals of research is key to conducting meaningful and rigorous research. It's also important to be aware of the historical context and power dynamics that can influence research and to work towards decolonising research and putting Africa first. 

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