In 2019, the Committee on Fiscal Studies launched and published its inaugural Journal on Financing for Development. The idea for developing this journal arose out of the need to widely share the research and thinking of our academic and professional guests who were invited to speak at our Tax Talks public forum. These Tax Talks have been organised by the Committee at the School of Law, University of Nairobi since 2017 and have brought to the fore central issues around fiscal studies highlighting how and why fiscal laws and policies matter as an instrument of governmental and societal power.
Our Tax Talks have focused on addressing concerns around socio-economic justice and sustainable development to better understand how finance can solve and mitigate these concerns. It is our hope, that our journal presents its readers with further reflection on the interplay between political, and socio-economic realities with national and global fiscal landscapes. Our aim is to promote sophisticated academic scholarship from Africa and the wider global south. The multi-disciplinary nature of our journal allows authors from various epistemic disciplines to contribute to enrich the journal’s themes; finance and development.
Click here to access our double blind peer reviewed, open acess Journal on Financing for Development.